Our Goal

Our Goal is to create a symbolic brand that represents our values as a company. Compatible birds represent values of freedom, adaptability, collaboration, and innovation, creating a cohesive and positive image for everyone to harmonise with. Birds are universally recognized symbols of freedom and adaptability, aligning with the company's commitment to innovation and flexibility in its products. Additionally, symbolic birds are often associated with qualities such as vision, precision, and agility. Symbolising these characteristics into Our company's brand, communicates a commitment to forward-thinking strategies and attention to detail.

  • The Owl

    In ancient beliefs, the owl held diverse symbolic significance across cultures. Linked to wisdom in ancient Greece, it was associated with the goddess Athena. Romans and Indians revered the owl as a guardian. However, in some societies, owls were seen as harbingers of death or ill omens, with Romans believing their hoot signaled impending doom. Egyptian mythology connected owls with the afterlife, considering them messengers between realms. Celtic traditions associated owls with magic and transformation, while some Native American cultures viewed them as symbols of fertility and mystery. Owls' symbolism ranged from prosperity in Japanese culture to rain-bringers in African folklore. Despite varied interpretations, ancient beliefs about owls often reflected their nocturnal nature, mysterious behaviours, and unique features.

  • The Duck

    While ducks may not have been as extensively mythologized as some other animals, they do appear in various cultural contexts in ancient beliefs. In some ancient cultures, ducks were associated with symbols of fertility and abundance due to their prolific reproduction and nurturing behavior. In Chinese folklore, ducks were linked to marital fidelity and happiness. In ancient Egyptian mythology, the duck was sometimes considered a symbol of protection. Additionally, the appearance of ducks in various religious ceremonies and rituals hinted at their significance in different cultural practices. Although not as prominently featured as some animals in ancient beliefs, ducks have had nuanced roles in diverse cultural contexts, representing aspects of life, family, and protection.

  • The Perfect Blend

    While owls and ducks may not typically be considered a natural or common pairing, the juxtaposition of these two birds could offer a symbolic and balanced representation in various contexts. The owl, often associated with wisdom, mystery, and nighttime, may complement the more grounded and earthly qualities of a duck. Ducks, symbolizing fertility, family, and abundance, bring a sense of daytime and water-related attributes to the combination.

    The partnership could symbolize a harmonious balance between day and night, wisdom and practicality, or the ethereal and the earthly. Metaphorically, it might represent a well-rounded approach to life, incorporating both the intuitive and the pragmatic aspects. The unique characteristics of each bird, from the owl's nocturnal prowess to the duck's connection to water and family, could create a blend of traits that resonate with a diverse range of qualities, offering a rich and complementary symbolism when considered together.